Antibird net

Don't let birds damage your garden and farms. Introducing Anti-bird netting solutions from Antibird netmanufacturers in Delhi India, to protect your home, fruits, vegetables, flowers and farms from birds without causing them harm.
SKU: VG_CR_025
₹ 25.00

Don't let birds damage your garden and farms. Introducing Anti-bird netting solutions from Antibird netmanufacturers in Delhi India, to protect your home, fruits, vegetables, flowers and farms from birds without causing them harm. Anti-bird netting solutions aid free moment to bees in the farms, allowing them to pollinate. The perfectly even mesh structures guarantee an easy installation of the antibird nets. The robust polyethylene knitted material is UV-stabilized and weatherproof. In addition it can be used as shading to regulating light diffusion.The result of the combination of mesh-structure and robust material is a high quality net with durability of several years.

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